Thursday, 28 May 2015

Web Scraping Services - A trending technique in data science!!!

Web scraping as a market segment is trending to be an emerging technique in data science to become an integral part of many businesses – sometimes whole companies are formed based on web scraping. Web scraping and extraction of relevant data gives businesses an insight into market trends, competition, potential customers, business performance etc.  Now question is that “what is actually web scraping and where is it used???” Let us explore web scraping, web data extraction, web mining/data mining or screen scraping in details.

What is Web Scraping?

Web Data Scraping is a great technique of extracting unstructured data from the websites and transforming that data into structured data that can be stored and analyzed in a database. Web Scraping is also known as web data extraction, web data scraping, web harvesting or screen scraping.

What you can see on the web that can be extracted. Extracting targeted information from websites assists you to take effective decisions in your business.

Web scraping is a form of data mining. The overall goal of the web scraping process is to extract information from a websites and transform it into an understandable structure like spreadsheets, database or csv. Data like item pricing, stock pricing, different reports, market pricing, product details, business leads can be gathered via web scraping efforts.

There are countless uses and potential scenarios, either business oriented or non-profit. Public institutions, companies and organizations, entrepreneurs, professionals etc. generate an enormous amount of information/data every day.

Uses of Web Scraping:

The following are some of the uses of web scraping:

•    Collect data from real estate listing

•    Collecting retailer sites data on daily basis

•    Extracting offers and discounts from a website.

•    Scraping job posting.

•    Price monitoring with competitors.

•    Gathering leads from online business directories – directory scraping

•    Keywords research

•    Gathering targeted emails for email marketing – email scraping

•    And many more.

There are various techniques used for data gathering as listed below:

•    Human copy-and-paste – takes lot of time to finish when data is huge

•    Programming the Custom Web Scraper as per the needs.

•    Using Web Scraping Softwares available in market.

Are you in search of web data scraping expert or specialist. Then you are at right place. We are the team of web scraping experts who could easily extract data from website and further structure the unstructured useful data to uncover patterns, and help businesses for decision making that helps in increasing sales, cover a wide customer base and ultimately it leads to business towards growth and success.

We have got expertise in all the web scraping techniques, scraping data from ajax enabled complex websites, bypassing CAPTCHAs, forming anonymous http request etc in providing web scraping services.

The web scraping is legal since the data is publicly and freely available on the Web. Smart WebTech can probably help you to achieve your scraping-based project goals. We would be more than happy to hear from you.


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Endorsing web scraping

With more than 200 projects delivered, we stand firmly for new challenges every day. We have served above 60 clients and have won 86% of repeat business, as our main core is customer delight. Successive Softwares was approached by a client having a very exclusive set of requirements. For their project they required customised data mining, in real time to offer profitable information to their customers. Requirement stated scrapping of stock exchange data in real time so that end users can be eased in their marketing decisions. This posed as an ambitious task for us because it required processing of huge amount of data on a routine basis. We welcomed it as an event to evolve and do something aside of classic web application development.

We started with mock-ups, pursuing our very first step of IMPART Framework (Innovative Mock-up based Prototypes Analyzed to develop Reengineered Technology). Our team of experts thought of all the potential requirements with a flow and materialized it flawlessly into our mock up. It was a strenuous tasks but our excitement to do something which others still do not think of, filled our team with confidence and energy and things began to roll out perfectly. We presented our mock-up and statistics to the client as per our expectation client choose us, impressed with the efforts.

We started gathering requirements from client side and started to formulate design about the flow. The project required real time monitoring of stock exchange together with Prices, Market Turnover and then implement them into graphs. The front end part was an easy deal, we were already adept in playing with data the way required. The intractable task was to get the data. We researched and found that it can be achieved either with API or with Web Scarping and we moved with latter because of the limitations in API.

Web scraping is a compelling technique to get the required information straight out of the web page. Lack of documentation and not much forbearance forced us to make a slow start, but we kept all the requirements clear and new that we headed in the right direction.  We divided the scraping process into bits of different but related tasks. Firstly we needed to find the data which has to be captured, some of the problems faced were pagination and use of AJAX but with examination of endpoints in URL and the requests made when data is drawn, we surmounted these problems easily.

After targeting our data we focused on HTML parser which could extract data form all the targets. Using PHP we developed a parser extracting all the information and saving them in Database in a structured way.  After the required data present at our end we easily manipulated it into tables and charts and we used HIGHSTOCK for that. Entire Client side was developed in PHP with Zend frame work and we used MySQL 5.7 for server side.

During the whole development cycle our QA team insured we were delivering a quality product following all standards. We kept our client in the loop during the whole process keeping them informed about every step. Clients were also assured as they watched their project starting from scratch which developed into full fledge website. The process followed a strict time line releasing regular builds and implementing new improvements. We stood up to the expectation our client and delivered a product just as they visualized it to be.


Monday, 25 May 2015

Improving performance for web scraping code

2 down vote favorite

I have a website in which the code scrapes other websites for getting the accurate data. While the code works good but there a decent lag in performance because the code firsts downloads the html stream from various sites(some times 9 websites), extracts the relative part and then renders the html page.

What should I do to get an optimal performance. Should I change from shared hosting (godaddy) to my own server or it has nothing to do with my hosting and I need to make changes to my code?

1 Answer


Ask those websites if they provide an API, or, if you don't need an up-to-date information or the information you need doesn't change frequently, if they can sell/give you for free the data itself (for example in an CSV file). Some small websites may have fancier ways to access data, like a CSV file for the older information, and an RSS feed for the changed one.

Those websites would probably be happy to help you, since providing you with an API would reduce their own CPU and bandwidth usage by you.


Screen scrapping is really ugly when it comes to performance and scaling. You may be limited by:

    your machine performance, since parsing, sometimes an invalid HTML file, takes time,

    your network speed,

    their network speed usage, i.e. how fast can you access the pages of their website depending on the restrictions they set, like the DOS protection and the number of requests per second for screen scrappers and search engine crawlers,

    their machine performance: if they spend 500 ms. to generate every page, you can't do anything to reduce this delay.

If, despite your requests to them, those websites cannot provide any convenient way to access their data, but they give you a written consent to screen scrape their website, then profile your code to determine the bottleneck. It may be the internet speed. It may be your database queries. It may be anything.

For example, you may discover that you spend too much time finding with regular expressions the relevant information in the received HTML. In that case, you would want to stop doing it wrong and use a parser instead of regular expressions, then see how this improve the performance.

You may also find that the bottleneck is the time the remote server spends generating every page. In this case, there is nothing to do: you may have the fastest server, the fastest connection and the most optimized code, the performance will be the same.

Do things in parallel:

Remember to use parallel computing wisely and to always profile what you're doing, instead of doing premature optimization, in hope that you're smarter than the profiler.

Especially when it comes to using network, you may be very surprised. For example, you may believe that making more requests in parallel will be faster, but as Steve Gibson explains in episode 345 of Security Now, this is not always the case.

Legal aspects

Also note that screen scrapping is explicitly forbidden by the conditions of use (like on IMDB) on many websites. And if nothing is said on this subject in conditions of use, it doesn't mean that you can screen scrape those websites.

The fact that the information is available publicly on the internet doesn't give you the right to copy and reuse it this way neither.

Why? you may ask. For two reasons:

    Most websites are relying on advertisement and marketing. When people use one of those websites directly, they waste some CPU/network bandwidth of the website, but in response, they may click on an ad or buy something sold on the website. When you screen scrape, your bot waste their CPU/network bandwidth, but will never click on an ad or buy something.

    Displaying the information you screen scrapped on your website can have even worse effects. Example: in France, there are two major websites selling hardware. The first one is easy and fast to use, has a nice visual design, better SEO, and in general is very well done. The second one is a crap, but the prices are lower. If you screen scrape them and give the raw results (prices with links) to your users, they will obviously click on the lower price every time, which means that the website with pretty design will have less chances to sell the products.

    People made an effort in collecting, processing and displaying some data. Sometimes they paid to get it. Why would they enjoy seeing you pulling this data conveniently and for free?


Friday, 22 May 2015

Roles of Data Mining in Predicting, Tracking, and Containing the Ebola Outbreak

One of the most diverse continents on earth, Africa astounds the world with its vast savannas and great deserts and with its ancient architecture and modern cities, but Africa also has its share of tragedies and woes.

First identified in Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ebola River in 1976, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, a deadly zoonotic disease caused by Ebola virus, has been spreading in West Africa like a wildfire, engulfing everything on its way and creating widespread panic.

What has added insult to injury is the fact that the region has long endured the severe consequences of civil wars and social conflicts, and diseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS, yellow fever, cholera etc. have remained endemic to the region for a long time, causing tens of thousands of deaths every year.

Reportedly, Ebola has already killed at least 2,296 people, and there are about 3,685 confirmed cases of infection. Mortality rate has been swinging between 50% to 90%, depending on the quality of care and nutrition. According to WHO, the disease is likely to infect as much as 20,000 people before it is finally brought under control.

Crisis of Data

When it comes to healthcare management, clinical data is one of the key components. The value of data becomes more urgent in the emergency situation like that of West Africa. The more relevant data you have, the bigger picture you can create for taking aggressive measures. To use Peter Drucker’s words, “What gets measured gets managed.”

Factual data is a precondition for the doctors and health science experts working in the field for measuring and managing the situation. Data helps them to assess their successes or failures and reorient their actions. One of the important reasons why the fight against the Ebola outbreak is turning out into a losing battle is the insufficiency of data. Recently, Scientific American magazine wrote:

Right now, there are not even enough beds for sick patients nor enough data coming in to help track cases. Surveillance and tracking of those who were possibly exposed to Ebola remain inadequate.

In Science magazine, Gretchen Vogel suggests that the death toll of Ebola patients could be much higher than it is currently estimated. She says, “Exactly how many unrecorded Ebola deaths have occurred will never be known. Health officials are keeping track of suspected and probable cases, many of which are people who died before they could be tested.” Greg Slabodkin voices similar concerns in Health Data Management and points at the need of an integrated global biosurveillance system.

The absence of reliable and actionable data has badly hampered the efforts of combatting Ebola and providing proper medical care to the victims. CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden describes it as a “fog-of-war situation”.

Data Mining: Bots Were the First to Warn

When you flip the coin, however, the situation is not completely bleak and desperate. Even if Big Data technologies have fallen short in predicting, tracking, and containing the epidemic, mainly due to the lack of data from the ground, it has not entirely failed. Data scientists and healthcare experts world over are making concerted efforts to know, track, and defeat the Ebola virus—some on the ground and some in their labs.

The increasing level of collaboration among the biomedical specialists, geneticist, virologists, and IT experts has definitely contributed to slow down the transmission of the virulent disease dubbed as “the plague of modern day”. Médecins Sans Frontières and are the excellent examples in this regard.

    “By deploying bots and crawlers and by using advanced machine learning algorithms, the Boston-based global infectious disease surveillance system, HealthMap was able to predict and raise concerns about the spread of a mysterious hemorrhagic fever in West Africa nine days earlier than WHO did.”

Run by a team of 45 researchers, epidemiologists, and software developers at Boston Children’s Hospital, HealthMap mines data from search engine queries, social media platforms, health information sites, news reports and crowd-sourced information to track the transmission of the disease and provides an up-to-date timeline report with an interactive map, making it easier for the international health agencies to devise more effective action plans.

HealthMap serves as a good example of how crucial Big Data and data mining technologies could be for handling a healthcare emergency with fact-based and data-driven decisions.

Ebola Data

In their letter to The Lancet, research scientist Rashid Ansumana and his colleagues, working on Ebola in Sierra Leone, highlighted on the need of developing epidemic surveillance systems “by adopting new data-sharing technologies.” They wrote, “Emerging technologies can help early warning systems, outbreak response, and communication between health-care providers, wildlife and veterinary professionals, local and national health authorities, and international health agencies.”

Data-Driven Initiatives to Control the Outbreak

The era of systematic use of data for making better epidemiological predictions and for finding effective healthcare solutions began with Google Flue Trends in 2007, and the rapidly developing tools, technologies, and practices in Big Data have increased the roles of data in healthcare management.

There are a number of data-driven undertakings in progress which have contributed to counter the raging spread of Ebola. Brockmann Lab, run by Professor Dirk Brockmann and his colleagues, for example, has created a computer model for studying correlations and probabilities in the explosion of new cases of infection.

World Airtraffic  Transportation and Relative Import Risk, Source: Brockmann Lab

By applying computational and statistical models, they predict which areas, cities or regions in the world are at the risk of becoming the next Ebola epidemic hotspots. Similarly, Alessandro Vespignani–a network scientist, statistical physicist, and Northeastern professor–has been using human mobility network data to track the cases of Ebola infection and dissemination.

The Swedish NGO Flowminder Foundation has been aggregating, mining, and analyzing anonymized mobile phone location data and is developing national mobility estimates for West Africa to help the local and international agencies to combat the disease.

Meanwhile, innovations with Epi Info VHF, a software tool for case management, contact tracing, analysis and reporting services for Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever outbreaks and OpenStreetMap project for getting location information and spatial data of the affected areas have further helped to guide the intervention initiatives.

However, with all optimism about the growing roles of Big Data and data mining, we also need to be mindful about their limitations. Newsweek aptly puts: “While no media-trawling bot could ever replace national and international health agencies, such tools may be starting to help fill in some of the most gaping holes in real-time knowledge.”


Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Social Media Crawling & Scraping services for Brand Monitoring

Crawling social media sites for extracting information is a fairly new concept – mainly due to the fact that most of the social media networking sites have cropped up in the last decade or so. But it’s equally (if not more) important to grab this ever-expanding User-Generated-Content (UGC) as this is the data that companies are interested in the most – such as product/service reviews, feedback, complaints, brand monitoring, brand analysis, competitor analysis, overall sentiment towards the brand, and so on.

Scraping social networking sites such as Twitter, Linkedin, Google Plus, Instagram etc. is not an easy task for in-house data acquisition departments of most companies as these sites have complex structures and also restrict the amount and frequency of the data that they let out to crawlers. This kind of a task is best left to an expert, such as PromptCloud’s Social Media Data Acquisition Service – which can take care of your end-to-end requirements and provide you with the desired data in a minimal turnaround time. Most of the popular social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook let crawlers extract data only through their own API (Application Programming Interface), so as to control the amount of information about their users and their activities.

PromptCloud respects all these restrictions with respect to access to content and frequency of hitting their servers to make sure that user information is not compromised and their experience with the site is unhindered.

Social Media Scraping Experts

At PromptCloud, we have developed an expertise in crawling and scraping social media data in real-time. Such data can be from diverse sources such as – Twitter, Linkedin groups, blogs, news, reviews etc. Popular usage of this data is in brand monitoring, trend watching, sentiment/competitor analysis & customer service, among others.

Our low-latency component can extract data on the basis of specific keywords, categories, geographies, or a combination of these. We can also take care of complexities such as multiple languages as well as tweets and profiles of specific users (based on keywords or geographies). Sample XML data can be accessed through this link –

Structured data is delivered via a single REST-based API and every time new content is published, the feed gets updated automatically. We also provide data in any other preferred formats (XML, CSV, XLS etc.).

If you have a social media data acquisition problem that you want to get solved, please do get in touch with us.


Wednesday, 6 May 2015

4 Web Scraping Tools To Save You Time On Data Extraction

Either you are working on a product website, struggling to add live data feed to your app or merely need to pull out a huge amount of online data for analysis, an accurate web scraping tool can save you loads of time and keep you sane. Here are four powerful web scraping tools to save you from copy-pasting or spending time on writing your own scripts.

1. Uipath

Either you are working on a product website, struggling to add live data feed to your app or merely need to pull out a huge amount of online data for analysis, an accurate web scraping tool can save you loads of time and keep you sane. Here are four powerful web scraping tools to save you from copy-pasting or spending time on writing your own scripts.

1. Uipath

Uipath specializes in developing various process automation software including web scraping and screen scraping software for desktop and web. Uipath web scraper is perfect for non-coders and easily surpasses most common data extraction challenges including page navigation, digging through flash and even scraping PDF files. All you need to do is open the web scraping wizard and simply highlight the data you need to extract. The tool will scrape all the data following this pattern at all pages you’ve chosen and sort it accordingly. You can add as many items for scraping as you like and have them sorted in respective columns. As a result, you receive a neat Excel or CSV document with all the data eliminated from duplicates.

Moreover, Uipath isn’t just about scraping. This software can be used not only for extracting data, but to manipulate the interface of another app, thus establishing data transfers among the two of them. Basically, this tool could be used to conduct any repetitive task a human could do, yet much faster and with higher accuracy.

Pros: You can automate form filling, clicking buttons, navigation etc. Uipath scraper is impressively accurate, fast and simple to use. It “reads” all types of data on screen (JS, HTML, Silverlight and more), plus you can train the software to emulate human actions of various complexity.

Cons: Premium software runs at a premium price. Uipath is an affordable professional solution, but may be a bit too pricey for personal use.


Data Extraction

Either you are working on a product website, struggling to add live data feed to your app or merely need to pull out a huge amount of online data for analysis, an accurate web scraping tool can save you loads of time and keep you sane. Here are four powerful web scraping tools to save you from copy-pasting or spending time on writing your own scripts.

1. Uipath

Uipath specializes in developing various process automation software including web scraping and screen scraping software for desktop and web. Uipath web scraper is perfect for non-coders and easily surpasses most common data extraction challenges including page navigation, digging through flash and even scraping PDF files. All you need to do is open the web scraping wizard and simply highlight the data you need to extract. The tool will scrape all the data following this pattern at all pages you’ve chosen and sort it accordingly. You can add as many items for scraping as you like and have them sorted in respective columns. As a result, you receive a neat Excel or CSV document with all the data eliminated from duplicates.

Moreover, Uipath isn’t just about scraping. This software can be used not only for extracting data, but to manipulate the interface of another app, thus establishing data transfers among the two of them. Basically, this tool could be used to conduct any repetitive task a human could do, yet much faster and with higher accuracy.

Pros: You can automate form filling, clicking buttons, navigation etc. Uipath scraper is impressively accurate, fast and simple to use. It “reads” all types of data on screen (JS, HTML, Silverlight and more), plus you can train the software to emulate human actions of various complexity.

Cons: Premium software runs at a premium price. Uipath is an affordable professional solution, but may be a bit too pricey for personal use.

2. offers you a free desktop app to help you scrap all the data you need from an unlimited amount of web pages. The service treats each page as a potential data source to generate API from. If the page you’ve submitted has been previously processed, you can access its API and get some of the data. In other case, will guide you through the process of creating the scraping matrix by building connectors (for navigation) or extractors (to pull out the needed data). Afterwards, you submit a request for extraction and it’s typically processed within 24 hours. All the data is private and you can schedule auto refreshments at any chosen period of time.

Pros: The service is easy-to-use with no tech skills needed. It can  pages with data (those that needed login/pass), plus it’s free. Minimalistic effective design and simple navigation comes along.

Cons: has hard times navigating through combinations of javascript/POST and cannot navigate from one page to another (e.g. click next, second page etc).  Sometimes, it takes over 24 hours to receive the report.  Besides, it’s a browser-only app, non-compatible with other applications.

3. Kimono

Either you are working on a product website, struggling to add live data feed to your app or merely need to pull out a huge amount of online data for analysis, an accurate web scraping tool can save you loads of time and keep you sane. Here are four powerful web scraping tools to save you from copy-pasting or spending time on writing your own scripts.

1. Uipath

Uipath specializes in developing various process automation software including web scraping and screen scraping software for desktop and web. Uipath web scraper is perfect for non-coders and easily surpasses most common data extraction challenges including page navigation, digging through flash and even scraping PDF files. All you need to do is open the web scraping wizard and simply highlight the data you need to extract. The tool will scrape all the data following this pattern at all pages you’ve chosen and sort it accordingly. You can add as many items for scraping as you like and have them sorted in respective columns. As a result, you receive a neat Excel or CSV document with all the data eliminated from duplicates.

Moreover, Uipath isn’t just about scraping. This software can be used not only for extracting data, but to manipulate the interface of another app, thus establishing data transfers among the two of them. Basically, this tool could be used to conduct any repetitive task a human could do, yet much faster and with higher accuracy.

Pros: You can automate form filling, clicking buttons, navigation etc. Uipath scraper is impressively accurate, fast and simple to use. It “reads” all types of data on screen (JS, HTML, Silverlight and more), plus you can train the software to emulate human actions of various complexity.

Cons: Premium software runs at a premium price. Uipath is an affordable professional solution, but may be a bit too pricey for personal use.

2. offers you a free desktop app to help you scrap all the data you need from an unlimited amount of web pages. The service treats each page as a potential data source to generate API from. If the page you’ve submitted has been previously processed, you can access its API and get some of the data. In other case, will guide you through the process of creating the scraping matrix by building connectors (for navigation) or extractors (to pull out the needed data). Afterwards, you submit a request for extraction and it’s typically processed within 24 hours. All the data is private and you can schedule auto refreshments at any chosen period of time.

Pros: The service is easy-to-use with no tech skills needed. It can  pages with data (those that needed login/pass), plus it’s free. Minimalistic effective design and simple navigation comes along.

Cons: has hard times navigating through combinations of javascript/POST and cannot navigate from one page to another (e.g. click next, second page etc).  Sometimes, it takes over 24 hours to receive the report.  Besides, it’s a browser-only app, non-compatible with other applications.

3. Kimono

Kimono is a popular web scraper among app developers who prefer to power up their products with live data and no additional code. It saves you tons of time when you need to fill up your app with mashing data. Install Kimono Browser bookmarklet; highlight page elements you need to and provide some positive/negative examples to train the tool. After labeling all the data you can download it in CSV/JSON/a web endpoint format. The APIs created for your pages are stored in the cloud and you can run them on schedule. So far, Kimono is free to use with pro and enterprise solutions to be launched soon.

Pros: The tool works pretty fast and works great with scraping newsfeeds and prices. The data is rather accurate.

Cons: No page navigation available and you need to spend quite a lot of time to train Kimono before it starts to pull out the multi items data accurate enough. In general, I’d say Kimono is more of an app mash-ups creator than a full-scale web scraper.

4. Screen Scraper

Either you are working on a product website, struggling to add live data feed to your app or merely need to pull out a huge amount of online data for analysis, an accurate web scraping tool can save you loads of time and keep you sane. Here are four powerful web scraping tools to save you from copy-pasting or spending time on writing your own scripts.

1. Uipath

Uipath specializes in developing various process automation software including web scraping and screen scraping software for desktop and web. Uipath web scraper is perfect for non-coders and easily surpasses most common data extraction challenges including page navigation, digging through flash and even scraping PDF files. All you need to do is open the web scraping wizard and simply highlight the data you need to extract. The tool will scrape all the data following this pattern at all pages you’ve chosen and sort it accordingly. You can add as many items for scraping as you like and have them sorted in respective columns. As a result, you receive a neat Excel or CSV document with all the data eliminated from duplicates.

Moreover, Uipath isn’t just about scraping. This software can be used not only for extracting data, but to manipulate the interface of another app, thus establishing data transfers among the two of them. Basically, this tool could be used to conduct any repetitive task a human could do, yet much faster and with higher accuracy.

Pros: You can automate form filling, clicking buttons, navigation etc. Uipath scraper is impressively accurate, fast and simple to use. It “reads” all types of data on screen (JS, HTML, Silverlight and more), plus you can train the software to emulate human actions of various complexity.

Cons: Premium software runs at a premium price. Uipath is an affordable professional solution, but may be a bit too pricey for personal use.

2. offers you a free desktop app to help you scrap all the data you need from an unlimited amount of web pages. The service treats each page as a potential data source to generate API from. If the page you’ve submitted has been previously processed, you can access its API and get some of the data. In other case, will guide you through the process of creating the scraping matrix by building connectors (for navigation) or extractors (to pull out the needed data). Afterwards, you submit a request for extraction and it’s typically processed within 24 hours. All the data is private and you can schedule auto refreshments at any chosen period of time.

Pros: The service is easy-to-use with no tech skills needed. It can  pages with data (those that needed login/pass), plus it’s free. Minimalistic effective design and simple navigation comes along.

Cons: has hard times navigating through combinations of javascript/POST and cannot navigate from one page to another (e.g. click next, second page etc).  Sometimes, it takes over 24 hours to receive the report.  Besides, it’s a browser-only app, non-compatible with other applications.

3. Kimono

Kimono is a popular web scraper among app developers who prefer to power up their products with live data and no additional code. It saves you tons of time when you need to fill up your app with mashing data. Install Kimono Browser bookmarklet; highlight page elements you need to and provide some positive/negative examples to train the tool. After labeling all the data you can download it in CSV/JSON/a web endpoint format. The APIs created for your pages are stored in the cloud and you can run them on schedule. So far, Kimono is free to use with pro and enterprise solutions to be launched soon.

Pros: The tool works pretty fast and works great with scraping newsfeeds and prices. The data is rather accurate.

Cons: No page navigation available and you need to spend quite a lot of time to train Kimono before it starts to pull out the multi items data accurate enough. In general, I’d say Kimono is more of an app mash-ups creator than a full-scale web scraper.

4. Screen Scraper

Screen scraper is pretty neat and tackles a lot of difficult tasks including navigation and precise data extractions, however it requires a bit of programming/tokenization skills if you’d like to run it super smooth. Launch the software, add a proxy, start recording the list of your actions and creating extracting patterns (some coding required). Works great with HTML and Javascript, however you should test it with Citrix and other platforms. Basically, screen scraper helps you writing simple web scraping scripts and lets you download the extracted data in txt/csv/excel format.

Pros: When set correctly, there’s no data extraction tasks Screen scraper fails to handle.

Cons: The tool is pricey and you’ll have to go through documentation and have basic coding skills to use it.
